Preparing for your Appointment

We know the overall excitement of getting a new piece of art can be overwhelming, so allow us to suggest these tips and actions to make the entire process more relaxing and rewarding!

  • Be rested. Don’t come to get tattooed or pierced after a heavy workout, long day of work, or long week of partying. Make sure you have something light on your stomach as well.

  • Be healthy. Not only will you likely be turned away, but you will be putting your health at great risk if you attempt to be worked on while not feeling 100%.

  • Be sure. Make sure you are in the right mindset when scheduling, arriving, and starting. Don’t let emotions lead you to a life of regret!

  • Be prepared. Make sure you have all documents and images that you will need for your appointment before arriving. This goes for State or Government Id, Passport (if necessary), Birth certificate (if necessary), medical forms, artwork, and of course money.

  • Be comfortable. Wear appropriate clothing for the type of work that you will be getting performed. It is always advisable to wear darker clothing and articles that you don’t mind getting soiled if it came to it. Our artists are NOT responsible for your belongings or clothing.

  • Be clean. Please address any outstanding hygiene issues prior to arrival. if you need to shave, wash, or groom yourself, please do that prior to your session, it is uncomfortable and embarrassing to both of us if we must turn you away.

  • Be ready. Please do not prolong your appointment by hovering on your cell phone, trying to stream, video call, or delay. We allow you to use the rest room as needed, but please smoke, eat, and handle all other business prior to arrival.

  • Be kind. We appreciate all personalities that enter our studio, however if you or a member of your party are rude or disrespectful in any way, your appointment will be terminated and you will be asked to leave.

  • Be happy. We enjoy what we do and we want you to enjoy your experience as well. Bring a smile, leave with a smile.


Pain Scale