Tattoo Aftercare
For best results, try to follow our instructions, never be afraid to ask us questions, and always trust the process!
Body Modification Aftercare Instructions
Leave the tattoo bandaged for a minimum 1-2 hours. (4-6 hours maximum if not going straight home. Do not keep the simple cover on longer than 6 hours.)
If using Saniderm, DermShield, TatuDerm (keep the wrap on 3-5 days and do not remove. If it starts to leak or if water gets inside you must remove completely and begin traditional aftercare as listed here. If it lasts 5 days, you can ignore the recommendations here and simply clean your piece on Day 5, carefully removing it under warm running water. It will have fluid buildup and an ink sack will form. Please note that this method is water safe when covered.)
If the bandage is stuck to the tattoo, gently remove it while under warm running water, therefore reducing the risk of damaging your skin or the tattoo.
Once bandage is removed, using an unscented liquid soap, wash the tattoo off well with your hands and warm soapy water. (Example: Dial Antibacterial) Liquid soap is not a gel based, body wash or foam, but a liquid soap, preferably something antibacterial. If you do not have or cannot get liquid soap, it is ok to use a bar soap if you keep it separate and clean and only use it for the tattoo until it is completely healed. Nothing organic!!!
Do not use a scrub brush, a loofah, or any other utensil to clean your tattoo. Use your hands and fingertips only.
When done washing the tattoo off, gently pat the tattoo dry with a clean towel and allow the tattoo to air dry for about 5-10 minutes.
Apply a thin layer of lotion: Aquaphor, Curel, Lubriderm, Eucerin, Jergens (or any lotions/ointments that are fragrance free and non-organic) to the tattoo 2-3 times a day for the first 3 days. After 3 days the lotion can be applied to the tattoo 1-2 times daily for about 10-14 days or until the tattoo is completely done peeling. (Hydrated skin heels faster and more natural, however do NOT over lotion the tattoo. Your scab should have a chance to harden and peel naturally. DO not make your tattoo gooey. It may take over 3 weeks to heal, this is based off your metabolism and genetics.)
Once bandage is completely removed DO NOT re-bandage the tattoo. It may leak if you have a larger tattoo so wear loose fitting clothes and avoid rubbing against it.
Avoid direct sunlight on your tattoo for the first 2 weeks. Sunburn on a fresh tattoo can cause severe irritation, allergy, and fading. (No beach or tanning, you CAN go outside and be outside.)
DO NOT pick or scratch tattoo while it is peeling. Scabbing is normal. Do not rush the scab, you WILL ruin your tattoo and have to pay for repairs.
DO NOT soak the tattoo for 2 weeks. (No swimming, baths, hot tubs, or saunas FOR 2 WEEKS).
No shaving or waxing area until the tattoo is COMPLETELY healed.
DO NOT apply alcohol, Vaseline, petroleum jelly, antibiotic crème, sunblock, or anything organic for 2 weeks. (Things like Neosporin can sometimes cause rashes whether you are allergic or not). They have bacitracin, neomycin, and polymyxin B, in a petroleum jelly base.
DO NOT do personal research or consult friends or so-called tattoo experts. If you have questions, direct them to, call or visit the artist that did your tattoo!
In the event of an infection, please seek help and call the shop that did it, then the doctor. Always better to be safer than sorry.